About Me

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Music, reading, family, work, and friends are just part of a typical day for me. Well, not including the clutziness, the awkwardness, and the general lack of being able to think before I speak. A couple more things about me: I have a serious desire to travel, I am absolutley in love with Chicago, also, but definitley not the least, I am LDS, and I love it.

Friday, September 16, 2011


What does love mean to you? Does being in love mean you feel safe, or that you are just completely overwhelmed with emotion? Does it mean that you can be yourself with that person, or does it mean that you never feel alone when you are with them? What does being in love mean to you?
 I don't think that there's really any one right way to love. I think that at any given time, when your in love, you could be feeling all of those things, or other things (like jealousy, or something like that). People tend to get an idea in their heads, that there is this certain feeling that you feel when your in love and that it will just be one of those things or like those things. I don't think that. I think that if your really in love, your going to feel a lot more then just one feeling towards a person. Have you ever seen your parents fight? They get angry at each other, but that doesn't mean that they don't love each other.
It's so complicated dating when your young, because no one knows what they feel for one another, so the relationship is really hard. Sometimes people go to far because they think they love each other and it's okay, and other times, they break up because they get in a fight because one didn't know what they were feeling exactly. Wait until your older to date, it's so much easier. Boys, love, and dating are far to complicated...

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