About Me

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Music, reading, family, work, and friends are just part of a typical day for me. Well, not including the clutziness, the awkwardness, and the general lack of being able to think before I speak. A couple more things about me: I have a serious desire to travel, I am absolutley in love with Chicago, also, but definitley not the least, I am LDS, and I love it.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Violent soda monsters

I heard the stupidest thing on the announcements this morning. Apparently, there was a study done in Boston, about the relationship between how much soda you drink, and how violent you are. It turns out there's a relationship between drinking a lot of soda and being violent. All i could do was sit there and be like, are you joking me? Soda and violence? Oops, i had a mountain dew this morning, I'm gonna end up hitting someone. My math teacher actually talked about it in class, and how there is a hidden third variable that is the cause, not the soda. Because imagine what that study made people think, half the people who read it probable thought that soda was causing people to be violent. SO NOT TRUE. It's so stupid when scientists posts studies like that, and don't provide the cause. It's misleading, and people who don't understand it could freak. So, there's my tangent for the day, hope you enjoyed it:)

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