About Me

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Music, reading, family, work, and friends are just part of a typical day for me. Well, not including the clutziness, the awkwardness, and the general lack of being able to think before I speak. A couple more things about me: I have a serious desire to travel, I am absolutley in love with Chicago, also, but definitley not the least, I am LDS, and I love it.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Wherefore art thou?

While taking shakespeare for one of my lit classes this year, I am coming to a few realizations. 1) I could not have lived back in the 14th and 15th centurys. Women were expected to be submissive to men, and follow their orders. I'm nothing like that. I would have gone crazy if I had lived then. 2) Shakespeare is a funny guy sometimes. You never pay attention to it because in freshman year you just read romeo and juliet, and most teachers don't really talk about the subtle humor there is at parts in it. Rght now in class we are reading a midsummer nights dream, and its hilarious. Everyone is idiots, they keep falling in love with the wrong people, and its just ridiculous. And 3) romeo and juliet is not a romance. Its a tragedy people. Both romeo and juliet were suicidal and in love, then something put them both over the edge (i.e. each others deaths) and then they kill themselves and the play is over. While this may have ended the feud between their families, I highly doubt this was the only way to do it. I know they were deeply in love, but if they were really in love wouldn't they have come to the realization that the other wanted what was best for them before killing themselves? I don't know but I don't think its ultra romantic like a lot of people do.

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