About Me

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Music, reading, family, work, and friends are just part of a typical day for me. Well, not including the clutziness, the awkwardness, and the general lack of being able to think before I speak. A couple more things about me: I have a serious desire to travel, I am absolutley in love with Chicago, also, but definitley not the least, I am LDS, and I love it.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Just Me :)

Sometimes in life, we wonder where we are going, what path we are on, and how we can enjoy it best. Although, there isn't always an easy way out of tough situations. As we rely on God though, we will always make it through. He does not give us trials to have us fail, He gives us trials to strengthen us. As we come to understand this, and appreciate the things each hard patch of life has given us, we will be strengthened and able to grow closer to our Father in Heaven each and every day.
   Keep Calm 
    Listen to a
Dieter F. Uchtdorf

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