About Me

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Music, reading, family, work, and friends are just part of a typical day for me. Well, not including the clutziness, the awkwardness, and the general lack of being able to think before I speak. A couple more things about me: I have a serious desire to travel, I am absolutley in love with Chicago, also, but definitley not the least, I am LDS, and I love it.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

End of July Farewell

So, I don't really know what to post about, but i feel like I should, since it's the last day of July. So here's another poem:

If the world pulls us apart,
where can I find you?
If a wave can be found in a seashell,
can I find you in the ocean?
If people aren't trustworthy,
can I trust you?
Will you tell someone my secrets,
or give away my things?
Will you say things you don't mean,
or always say you love me?
If our hearts are broken,
will we always stick together?
Will our love prevail,
or will we fall apart?
I want us to be together forever,
I believe in you.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Dream come true?

I got asked to join a band yesterday... While I've always dreamed of being a singer, i have terrible stage fright. It's my uncles band... He plays drums, and i think there are two other people, but they don't have enough singers, so my aunt asked if me and my sister would want to sing. I know the whole "face your fears" thing, but when i sing, and am scared, my voice gets squeaky and high pitched. I'm fine singing in choir, because there are other people singing with me. But otherwise, I'm not. When i auditioned for my sophomore year of choir, i couldn't even sing the song i prepared because i kept screwing it up so badly, so i ended up singing happy birthday and even screwing that up. it was bad. I don't want to pass up an opportunity like this though. How often do you get asked to join a band, even if it's made up of old Mormon dudes?

Friday, July 29, 2011

Let's talk about boys

Do you ever listen to a song, or read a poem, and feel like, it perfectly describes you and some guy? Like after a break up your might listen to songs like "My happy ending" by Avril Lavigne, or "Bring me to life" by Evanescence, and "Rolling in the deep" by Adele. Songs that are sad and depressing, but kinda totally describe how you feel. But if you find someone you like, or even love again, your gonna listen to love songs, maybe constantly. Now, i know not everyone is like this, but, some are, especially us hormone crazed teens. So when I'm in a relationship, i tend to do all those wacky things, and i find myself writing poetry left and right. Now, i only once ever wrote poetry and gave it to the guy. HUGE mistake. he showed every person known to mankind the poems, even though i told him they were ultra private. so now i don't do that. if i write a poem about a guy, i don't make it that ovbious. and i don't give it to him. and tell him it's about him. but, this next poem is about the best boyfriend i ever had. what he meant to me, and what it meant to lose him.

They hold each other
and everything else melts away
the world is gone
no more senses
just each other
it is freeing
and scary
and fleeting
because suddenly the world jerks them back
to a place of horror
a place of hurt
and a place of betrayal.
So for that one instant they were able
to have each others strength
and warmth.
But sorrow does not like to be cheated.
so they let go
and part their separate ways.

Drops of Jupiter-Train
this song, for whatever reason, reminds me of us

My day....

Today was a lot of fun :D I went to Steak and Shake with my aunt's, my baby cousin, my mom, and my little sister, Emma. If you haven't been there before, you should know those shakes are huge. My sister is 12, like 5'1 and she had to kneel on the booth in order to drink her shake. It was so crazy.
^emma and her awesome lego tower

anyways, we ended up spending the rest of the day at my Aunt Donna's, with her and her cute puppy,  playing with legos, and just talking.

^my aunt's dog, Radar

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Love doesn't die

Are you ever with someone, and you feel so incredibly happy? Like nothing could go wrong, and all your cares just melt away when your with them? This poem is about an old couple who still has that feeling with them, and never lost it. They still have the magic.

Feeling Young Again

Happiness flows through them.
They toss bread to birds, and laugh along.
Later the sing along to a record,
and he takes her by the hand and they dance.
They feel young again.
Invisible, like all their sorrows are gone,
and all the years have melted away.
Nothing could be better,
just being in each others arms.
The companionship they have given each other,
the love,
the warmth,
the comfort.
The years have been good to them.
They know that.
So 82 or 22 it doesn't matter to them.
They hold each other, and that's the way it's meant to be.

Memory Lane

this song reminds me of an old boyfriend

Adele- Rolling In The Deep

Summer Fun, lazy no more

I love summer. It's so amazing. All you have to do is just hang out with your friends, go to the beach, have a ton of sleepovers, and just relax. I think this may be the first summer though, where i have actually done that. Do you ever look back on you summer and feel disappointed? I always do. Always. I usually stay home and watch t.v., or just go to the pool in my neighborhood constantly. While a pool isn't bad, and in fact good, when you spend all your time there, and none with friends, it becomes bad. So i set out this summer to spend time with friends, not be so lazy, and just to have fun. I think I'm accomplishing that goal to. I'm spending more and more time with my friends, and we're getting so much closer.

 ^i'm on the right, we had just gone on a hike and were exhausted (not to mention sunburned)

History, Thankfully

This is a sad poem, but at the time i wrote it about a friend and what she was going through, or at least what i could understand of it. Oh, she's okay now by the way.


She keeps doing it,
Red lines up her arm,
And I can’t stop her,
I try until my voice leaves
But it’s no use.
She has her own fate
One I can’t seem to change
With a boyfriend that ignores and abuses
And a miracle that seems to evade her
And bad friends
And bad grades
And bad lives
She doesn’t listen
So tonight, I wonder,
What’s gonna happen?
Is there any chance of stopping her?
Or is it too late?
love this song<3

Old poem time


The stars are twinkling in the sky,
Mars is even glowing red.
We lay down on the grass,
and I rest my head against your chest.
It feels so natural.
Like it's meant to be.
So why is everything crashing down around us?
Everything that used to be so perfect
It’s now ruined,
and I don't know how to fix it.
The stars seem to crash down to earth,
and reality is brought back to us.
In the end, all that's left is Mars.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Just to Start

Hi! I wanted to create this blog so i could have somewhere to write my poetry, and random little stories. So, tell me what you think:)