About Me

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Music, reading, family, work, and friends are just part of a typical day for me. Well, not including the clutziness, the awkwardness, and the general lack of being able to think before I speak. A couple more things about me: I have a serious desire to travel, I am absolutley in love with Chicago, also, but definitley not the least, I am LDS, and I love it.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Monday, November 7, 2011


Isn't it funny how easily people go back to their old habits and behaviors? When someone is constantly falling back into the same behavior, is it even possible for it to be good?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Disney Video Binge

okay, now im done:)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Violent soda monsters

I heard the stupidest thing on the announcements this morning. Apparently, there was a study done in Boston, about the relationship between how much soda you drink, and how violent you are. It turns out there's a relationship between drinking a lot of soda and being violent. All i could do was sit there and be like, are you joking me? Soda and violence? Oops, i had a mountain dew this morning, I'm gonna end up hitting someone. My math teacher actually talked about it in class, and how there is a hidden third variable that is the cause, not the soda. Because imagine what that study made people think, half the people who read it probable thought that soda was causing people to be violent. SO NOT TRUE. It's so stupid when scientists posts studies like that, and don't provide the cause. It's misleading, and people who don't understand it could freak. So, there's my tangent for the day, hope you enjoyed it:)

Girls can scare to, ya know!

So excited for this weekend. Us girls finally get to do the Haunted House at the Halloween Party. For like 5 years the guys did it, and it was good at first, but it gradually got more and more lame. Now though, it's our turn. We are so gonna rock this thing. I'm so psyched to scare people! We decided to do a scary haunted house and a non-scary one, so little kids can still have fun (as well as easily scared adults). This is gonna be so fun:)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Wherefore art thou?

While taking shakespeare for one of my lit classes this year, I am coming to a few realizations. 1) I could not have lived back in the 14th and 15th centurys. Women were expected to be submissive to men, and follow their orders. I'm nothing like that. I would have gone crazy if I had lived then. 2) Shakespeare is a funny guy sometimes. You never pay attention to it because in freshman year you just read romeo and juliet, and most teachers don't really talk about the subtle humor there is at parts in it. Rght now in class we are reading a midsummer nights dream, and its hilarious. Everyone is idiots, they keep falling in love with the wrong people, and its just ridiculous. And 3) romeo and juliet is not a romance. Its a tragedy people. Both romeo and juliet were suicidal and in love, then something put them both over the edge (i.e. each others deaths) and then they kill themselves and the play is over. While this may have ended the feud between their families, I highly doubt this was the only way to do it. I know they were deeply in love, but if they were really in love wouldn't they have come to the realization that the other wanted what was best for them before killing themselves? I don't know but I don't think its ultra romantic like a lot of people do.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Dance your heart out<3

Church dances are sooo much fun.

Cute guys, friends, and music. Last night was awesome:)

Friday, September 16, 2011


What does love mean to you? Does being in love mean you feel safe, or that you are just completely overwhelmed with emotion? Does it mean that you can be yourself with that person, or does it mean that you never feel alone when you are with them? What does being in love mean to you?
 I don't think that there's really any one right way to love. I think that at any given time, when your in love, you could be feeling all of those things, or other things (like jealousy, or something like that). People tend to get an idea in their heads, that there is this certain feeling that you feel when your in love and that it will just be one of those things or like those things. I don't think that. I think that if your really in love, your going to feel a lot more then just one feeling towards a person. Have you ever seen your parents fight? They get angry at each other, but that doesn't mean that they don't love each other.
It's so complicated dating when your young, because no one knows what they feel for one another, so the relationship is really hard. Sometimes people go to far because they think they love each other and it's okay, and other times, they break up because they get in a fight because one didn't know what they were feeling exactly. Wait until your older to date, it's so much easier. Boys, love, and dating are far to complicated...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


now, isn't this amazing? :)
i think this is my favorite picture of the Disney princesses ever!

Monday, September 12, 2011


I just wasted more than a half an hour of my time talking to a robot, telling it isn't a robot, and finally got to the point where we agreed that it could be a Borg if it wanted to be, just because it wouldn't listen to me. Then it tried to convince me it was still human. I believe that I am a major nerd who knows a little to much about these things, and needs to not waste time i should be spending on homework by talking to a robot. Cauz that was a great use of my time...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

schoolhouse rock is the boss;)

Remember how I said I tend to procrastinate? Well, I have a paper due tomorrow, and I just finished reading what it's supposed to be about. At least it's only one page right? Oh school, I've missed you sooo much. Just joking...

On the upside, I have classes with friends! None of that, I don't know anybody, uh-oh, crap, social awkwardness stuff.

Also, I realize I have been complaining about school a lot, but it's just because I am bitter because I already have lots of homework. I will cease to complain soon. Promise. Here is a video you just might watch in school this year though, if you happen to have a cool teacher:

Thursday, September 8, 2011

School already???

I am very much so already back into the school rythm... and I want summer back. I'm already sick of homework, I mean, I got homework on the first day, and the second day I forgot to do something and now it's the third day and I'm already procrastinating. GREAT. I'm loving this. The only class i don't have homework in is choir. But i bet Mrs. Said will invent some way to give us homework, guaranteed! It's such a change, just sophomore to junior year. Freshman to Junior year is such a gigantic leap in homework it's insane! This all makes me miss middle school. My sister doesn't have homework yet. They are just sitting around, playing get to know you games, while the teachers struggle to memorize names. Ooo, ooo, you can forget my name if I can have no homework! Which makes me think, I should really start doing some of it  :P Well, αντίο! (look it up;)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Drama, drama, go away, dont come back another day

I hate drama... but it seems to be never ending.
Like, boy likes girl, girl likes other guy, girls best friend likes boy that likes girl. No one knows girl likes other guy. Whole big mess. Oh crap.

a new song:)

Me and my sister are currently sharing a room, until we clean mine and she gets a new bed. Hopefully, we don't murder each other before that happens. So far though, we are getting along just fine, even though we now have bunk beds and are hitting our heads every time we sit up completely. I'm just glad i will soon have the bigger room:D I need it to, all my crap doesn't fit in the tiny room i currently have.
Anyways, check out this video... It is and example of what me and my friend do when we are EXTREMELY bored.

now, check out this actual song!

Monday, August 22, 2011

random thoughts for the day

Mostly everyone has a bad habit. Some people have several. I got thinking, and, when we notice other people's bad habits, we try to change them for them. We don't ever think about the fact that you can't force a person to change, because if you try, they tend to become the opposite of what your trying to change them into. You can whine and complain all you want, you can yell and scream and kick your feet. But until they get the motivation to change it themselves, it'll never happen. Motivation has to come from yourself, not from others. That's the only way to do things.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Random song

I just heard this, maybe 5 minutes ago. I like the song, it's good.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Thank you to all my friends. I don't know if you know how much you really mean to me, or  how much you help me when I'm having a hard time. So thanks for always being there for me, I love you guys.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


My tumblr

I made a tumblr! i was kinda bored, so, i made a tumblr. Anyway, Since i just made it, there isn't much up there, but there should be more to come soon! :D

Sunday, August 14, 2011

I watched Aladdin last night. Forgot how much i love that movie. By the way, i think Jasmines tiger would be the best pet ever.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Summers Ending

I really am dreading the end of summer. Somehow, though, at the same time, I'm looking forward to school and it's craziness. It's seems surreal, that I'm going to be a Junior, and next year I'll be graduating. Then college. College! Last year, it seemed in the future, but now, it seems a lot closer, almost like I can touch it. It's tangible now. It's kinda making me freak! I mean, I love high school, and I can't wait to go to college, but thinking about it totally freaks me out. I mean completely. It's not one of those things you can't not take care of either. I just hope I'm not even more freaked next year:P

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Stay Young

I hate how people seem to think that you can never take a break. That you always have to rush around, doing things as quick as possibly. It just causes stress, and anxiety. Sure, you have to get things done. But it doesn't mean you can't stop to smell the roses every once in a while. I know it's an old line, used a lot, and something people rarely do. But, do you remember, when you were a kid, and you would lay down on the grass, and guess the shapes of the clouds? Or play outside barefoot, just for fun. When was the last time you saw a real starry night, not trying to spot stars through city lights, or if they're out, not even noticing? Sure i'm sixteen, and some people expect me to grow up, to not want to do this kind of stuff anymore, to not want to go trick-or-treating, or break pinatas, or play hide-n-seek. The truth is, just because you grow up, doesn't mean you stop enjoying those things. If you pay close enough attention, a lot of adults are just a more mature version of kids and teens. (Makes sense, because they once were teens and kids themselves) They still enjoy that stuff, it's just that they are older now, some feel like they have to have an excuse to do it, like a little kid in the house. Well, i just wanna say, be a kid while you can. Don't grow up to fast. Enjoy every minute of life.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Some of my favorite quotes

 I love quotes. Some you have to think about, and are profound and impact your life (or not). Others are just sweet and simple. Some are cutesy, and can cheer up your day, and some are ultra depressing. I think this is a good mix:)

“Hope is despairs music” -unknown

“Always watch where you are going.  Otherwise, you may step on a piece of the Forest that was left out by mistake.”  ~Pooh

“The biggest problem in the world could have been solved when it was small.”-unknown

“Life is like riding a bicycle - in order to keep your balance, you must keep moving.”  ~Albert Einstein

“Don't compromise yourself.  You're all you've got.”  ~Janis Joplin

“It's far better to fight for something than against something.”-unknown

“Just remember, there's a right way and a wrong way to do everything and the wrong way is to keep trying to make everybody else do it the right way.”  ~M*A*S*H, Colonel Potter

“Always when judging who people are, remember to footnote the words "So far." ~Robert Brault

"I haven't failed a thousand times. I've simply found a thousand ways that don't work." -Einstein

"Do something that scares you often because you can always learn something about yourself." -Lucy Hale

"How very softly you tiptoed into my world. Almost silently; only a moment you stayed. But what an imprint your footprints have left on our hearts." -unknown

"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you"

"The purpose of life is a life of purpose." ~Robert Byrne

"The kind of humor I like is the thing that makes me laugh for five seconds and think for ten minutes." ~William Davis

"There's always a silver lining"-unknown

"The antidote for fifty enemies is one friend." ~Aristotle

"A true friend is one who thinks you are a good egg even if you are half-cracked." ~ Unknown

"Silences make the real conversations between friends. Not the saying but the never needing to say is what counts." ~Margaret Lee Runbeck

"When love is not madness, it is not love." ~Pedro Calderon de la Barca

"You have to walk carefully in the beginning of love; the running across fields into your lover's arms can only come later when you're sure they won't laugh if you trip." ~Jonathan Carroll

"The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread." ~Mother Teresa

"Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love." ~Albert Einstein

P.S. - check out this link for a website with a ton of quotes. 

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Idiots on the Road

So i was watching Good Luck Charlie with my little sister earlier. I realized, there are so many idiots on the road that Disney finally had to make an episode about it. The older sister gets a car, and within 5 minutes of having it she wrecks it because she was trying to save a squirrel. Don't get me wrong, i love animals, but you don't park your car in the middle of the road to try and help a poor squirrel get out of some gum. Because either it's gonna get run over or you are. Since I've started driving I have had the joy of getting to know those who drive. The idiots who randomly decide to change lanes, the ones who cut you off, people who slam on their brakes suddenly, and those who give you the middle finger because you are ahead of them in the fast food line. Yes, there are a pleasant group of people out there to get to know.  Watch this video. It's hilarious. We saw it in drivers ed, and I think it's the funniest representation of road rage ever.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


I hate bullies. Any kind of bully. It doesn't matter if they shove someone, yell, gossip, or just type words, they can hurt others. For whatever reason, they think that it's fun to pick on others. That it doesn't hurt feelings. I know it does. I've seen the effects of bullying. Cyber bullying and just normal bullying. I know it hurts those you love, and even if the bullies don't know it, it can have a profound impact on their lives. Last year their was an anti-bullying assembly at school. They did tell you what you expected. The stories of the kids in high school, my age, who committed suicide, or attempted, because they were being bullied. A lot of the time it could have been prevented by someone standing up, and being a friend. But no one does a lot of the time. Most people don't want to get involved. They think that then they will be bullied, or their reputation will be destroyed. Well, guess what? Your reputation will be better because of it. And even if the bully comes after you, you stood up once, you can do it again. And now your an example. If other people see that it's not cool, they'll start standing up to. I read a book this summer, called "13 Reasons Why". It was a really good book, although sad. It talked about how the little mean things we do can really hurt a person, even if we don't realize it. How, calling them "loser" jokingly, may hurt their feelings even if you didn't mean it. Simple things can have a profound impact on a persons life. Both positive and negative. Something as simple as a smile might make their day.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I attempted my first scrapbook page today... during a church activity. It was fun, and even though it took me forever to do it, and it didn't turn out all that well, oh well!

it was fun:)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Pet Peeves

You know people that talk about themselves in third person? They can be really annoying. They can also be really funny, but mostly they're annoying. Because when someone constantly says "bob will" instead of "I will" (if their name is bob), then you tend to want to put earplugs in and tune them out. Or just play really loud music.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

End of July Farewell

So, I don't really know what to post about, but i feel like I should, since it's the last day of July. So here's another poem:

If the world pulls us apart,
where can I find you?
If a wave can be found in a seashell,
can I find you in the ocean?
If people aren't trustworthy,
can I trust you?
Will you tell someone my secrets,
or give away my things?
Will you say things you don't mean,
or always say you love me?
If our hearts are broken,
will we always stick together?
Will our love prevail,
or will we fall apart?
I want us to be together forever,
I believe in you.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Dream come true?

I got asked to join a band yesterday... While I've always dreamed of being a singer, i have terrible stage fright. It's my uncles band... He plays drums, and i think there are two other people, but they don't have enough singers, so my aunt asked if me and my sister would want to sing. I know the whole "face your fears" thing, but when i sing, and am scared, my voice gets squeaky and high pitched. I'm fine singing in choir, because there are other people singing with me. But otherwise, I'm not. When i auditioned for my sophomore year of choir, i couldn't even sing the song i prepared because i kept screwing it up so badly, so i ended up singing happy birthday and even screwing that up. it was bad. I don't want to pass up an opportunity like this though. How often do you get asked to join a band, even if it's made up of old Mormon dudes?

Friday, July 29, 2011

Let's talk about boys

Do you ever listen to a song, or read a poem, and feel like, it perfectly describes you and some guy? Like after a break up your might listen to songs like "My happy ending" by Avril Lavigne, or "Bring me to life" by Evanescence, and "Rolling in the deep" by Adele. Songs that are sad and depressing, but kinda totally describe how you feel. But if you find someone you like, or even love again, your gonna listen to love songs, maybe constantly. Now, i know not everyone is like this, but, some are, especially us hormone crazed teens. So when I'm in a relationship, i tend to do all those wacky things, and i find myself writing poetry left and right. Now, i only once ever wrote poetry and gave it to the guy. HUGE mistake. he showed every person known to mankind the poems, even though i told him they were ultra private. so now i don't do that. if i write a poem about a guy, i don't make it that ovbious. and i don't give it to him. and tell him it's about him. but, this next poem is about the best boyfriend i ever had. what he meant to me, and what it meant to lose him.

They hold each other
and everything else melts away
the world is gone
no more senses
just each other
it is freeing
and scary
and fleeting
because suddenly the world jerks them back
to a place of horror
a place of hurt
and a place of betrayal.
So for that one instant they were able
to have each others strength
and warmth.
But sorrow does not like to be cheated.
so they let go
and part their separate ways.

Drops of Jupiter-Train
this song, for whatever reason, reminds me of us

My day....

Today was a lot of fun :D I went to Steak and Shake with my aunt's, my baby cousin, my mom, and my little sister, Emma. If you haven't been there before, you should know those shakes are huge. My sister is 12, like 5'1 and she had to kneel on the booth in order to drink her shake. It was so crazy.
^emma and her awesome lego tower

anyways, we ended up spending the rest of the day at my Aunt Donna's, with her and her cute puppy,  playing with legos, and just talking.

^my aunt's dog, Radar

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Love doesn't die

Are you ever with someone, and you feel so incredibly happy? Like nothing could go wrong, and all your cares just melt away when your with them? This poem is about an old couple who still has that feeling with them, and never lost it. They still have the magic.

Feeling Young Again

Happiness flows through them.
They toss bread to birds, and laugh along.
Later the sing along to a record,
and he takes her by the hand and they dance.
They feel young again.
Invisible, like all their sorrows are gone,
and all the years have melted away.
Nothing could be better,
just being in each others arms.
The companionship they have given each other,
the love,
the warmth,
the comfort.
The years have been good to them.
They know that.
So 82 or 22 it doesn't matter to them.
They hold each other, and that's the way it's meant to be.

Memory Lane

this song reminds me of an old boyfriend

Adele- Rolling In The Deep

Summer Fun, lazy no more

I love summer. It's so amazing. All you have to do is just hang out with your friends, go to the beach, have a ton of sleepovers, and just relax. I think this may be the first summer though, where i have actually done that. Do you ever look back on you summer and feel disappointed? I always do. Always. I usually stay home and watch t.v., or just go to the pool in my neighborhood constantly. While a pool isn't bad, and in fact good, when you spend all your time there, and none with friends, it becomes bad. So i set out this summer to spend time with friends, not be so lazy, and just to have fun. I think I'm accomplishing that goal to. I'm spending more and more time with my friends, and we're getting so much closer.

 ^i'm on the right, we had just gone on a hike and were exhausted (not to mention sunburned)

History, Thankfully

This is a sad poem, but at the time i wrote it about a friend and what she was going through, or at least what i could understand of it. Oh, she's okay now by the way.


She keeps doing it,
Red lines up her arm,
And I can’t stop her,
I try until my voice leaves
But it’s no use.
She has her own fate
One I can’t seem to change
With a boyfriend that ignores and abuses
And a miracle that seems to evade her
And bad friends
And bad grades
And bad lives
She doesn’t listen
So tonight, I wonder,
What’s gonna happen?
Is there any chance of stopping her?
Or is it too late?